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The CANDREVAplate 3 fits all full size tripod heads such as the O’Connor 2575 and Sachtler 9+9. The CANDREVAplate 2 was specifically designed to not wiggle in the Tango head.


NEW DESIGN uses custom screws that are tightened with a 3/16" hex wrench. Game changer!

This plate will be wiggle free for your whole job.

4.714 x 3.142 x .350 ( Our plate is thicker and thus it's stiffer and less prone to bend)

The plate is stiffer, does not use rubber pads on the top of the plate and includes two stainless steel tripod screws. Both the CANDREVAplate 2 and the included screws are proudly “Made in the USA” in our shop on Long Island.

JC3106 Quick Release Plate


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